Saturday, July 18, 2009

Simply Superb

I have suddenly discovered that I absolutely love Woody Allen's movies. All this while I used to think that he was just another weird jerk. NOT ANYMORE!!!

I strongly encourage everybody to start by seeing ANNIE HALL. Its an amazing movie that is outrageously funny, but moving. Allen has this ability to hold up a mirror to everybody and show how hopelessly miserable our lives are- especially love lives.
The characters go about trying to live up to lofty images only to give in to their frailties, which comes through very poignantly. Even in the funny scenes, the viewer cant help but put himself in the same situation and invariably reach the conclusion that all of us are so weak.
Another recurring theme is the showcasing of artists as phony. Allen never loses a chance to mock at them. He also ruthlessly makes fun of intellectuals and sophisticates. The stunning city of New York and Manhattan provide a superb setting for these tales and his love for the city comes through beautifully. I was fortunate to visit NY very briefly and can completely understand this obsession. It is the best place on the face of our planet.
However my biggest wonder is how a very unremarkable and ordinary looking Woody had the courage to put himself as the lead protagonist and still manages to come out tops every single time.
I can go on and on with my rambling, but I guess you got the message. Watch his movies and I promise that you will be impressed. They are very very enjoyable.

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